Kima displays place name variations in Hebrew
Searching by any variation in spossible.
The connections between variations and attestations are clear to follow.
A display of all the name variations for a place, and the way they were used over time.
Legal parallels presented according to the topics they belong to.
Finding the legal parallel sets according to source origin.
A synoptic view of the sources in a legal parallels set.
Source details and connections.
Handwritten notebook pages are displayed with their annotated OCR-ed contents.
Displaying three versions of the play and synchronizing speech parts in the different versions.
The annotation workspace allows the team to enrich the TEI-Xml coming out of the OCR pipeline. The results are used for the different displays.
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At DHDev we combine many years of software development experience, a deep understanding of different web / cloud / data technologies and an intimate knowledge of Digital Humanities research and software needs.
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